[casual_games] Gameplay patents

Adam Martin adam.m.s.martin at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 14 12:58:35 EST 2007

On 14/02/07, Tom Hubina <tomh at mofactor.com> wrote:

> We _should_ be able to patent UNIQUE game play. We _should_ be able to

> leverage some form of legal protection to stem the tide of rampant copycats

> that is absolutely destroying the casual games industry (buy me a drink at

> GDC and I'll talk your ear off about this topic). However, the current

I'll bite. Where/when can I find you? :)

I'll wager that the much faster and more appropriate solution to the
copycat problem is for the retail market to improve. My turn at a
provocative statement until GDC: claiming that the ease of cloning
games is destroying the casual games industry is like claiming that
the second-hand games market is destroying the mainstream games
industry - both are merely the customers showing that the industry has
fundamentally misunderstood what their market actually wants, or has
fundamentally failed to satisfy the needs effectively.


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