[casual_games] Meet Publishers & Distributors AND Protect my IP? ... and other questions!

Thomas H. Buscaglia thb at gameattorney.com
Thu Jun 7 11:32:51 EDT 2007

There are several reasons to use an NDA when
possible, beside the person you are pitching.
They also help establish the scope of your
company's Trade Secrets since one of th essential
elements of Trade Secrets is that you protect them.

Here's an article I did several years back that
has a basic Mutual NDA in it that you can use if
you like. - http://www.gameattorney.com/gamearticle3.htm

I'll be hanging around at the Casual Games event
here is Seattle and if anyone wants to hook up
for some free face time, let me know.

Tom B

At 07:47 AM 6/7/2007, you wrote:

>To be clear though- Real does not fund development anymore right? You are

>speaking from the position of distributor not publisher...


>The NDA thing is also a different story since Real isn't involved in

>development. All of the publisher/funding sources I've worked with start

>any relationship with a mutual NDA.



Thomas H. Buscaglia, Esquire
The Game Attorney
T. H. Buscaglia and Associates
80 Southwest 8th Street, Suite 2100
Miami, FL 33130
Tel (305) 324-6000
Fax (305) 324-1111
23133 Vashon Highway SW
Vashon WA 98070
Tel (206) 463-9200
Fax (206) 463-9290

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