[casual_games] web based 3D technologies market

Jeff Murray jmurray at fuelindustries.com
Tue Jun 26 10:16:01 EDT 2007


Certainly, over the last couple of years we at Fuel Industries have
experimented with several different browser-based 3d technologies and
all roads have led us back to Shockwave 3d.

The biggest thing is that darned penetration figure and the number of
people who just won't install plug-ins that they don't understand or
trust. We tried putting simple instructions and teaser pages before the
game to entice people to download newer plug-ins, but people just don't
follow it through.

Although the 3d technology in Shockwave is dated, it is still more than
capable of producing great browser-based 3d games (for some of the best,
check out the titles at
http://www.shockwave3d.com/index.cfm?category=top )... especially (dare
I say it) in the 'environment' or 'range' of current web 3d games. None
of the browser-based 3d games out there are next-gen and most of the
'look at this new shiny plug-in' are lacking in gameplay. Having a shiny
renderer, of course, means that you don't have to worry about gameplay
to get a sale ... but that's not why we're here, is it? :-)

My findings go like this ... If you want people to play the game, go for
Shockwave. If you want to 'push the boundaries' but keep to a limited
audience, choose one of the others.

Good luck with your project!


Jeff Murray | Director, Game Development

tel: 613.224.6738 ext.246
www.fuelindustries.com <http://www.fuelindustries.com/>

We're Hiring! <http://www.fuelindustries.com/careers>


From: casual_games-bounces at igda.org
[mailto:casual_games-bounces at igda.org] On Behalf Of Gert-Jan Brok
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 6:27 AM
To: IGDA Casual Games SIG Mailing List
Subject: [casual_games] web based 3D technologies market

For a new web game(FPS) we are going to develop I need some information
about the plug-in penetration to make a choice about the technology we
are going to use.
I am doing some research on the different penetration rates of the
current web based 3D technologies out there. But it is near impossible
to get some up to date figures.
The specific technologies I am researching are:

Shockwave 3D
Web Player Penetration: 54.1%

Web Player Penetration : 5%??? (estimate)

Web Player Penetration : 5%??? (estimate)

Web Player Penetration : ?

Online, Java3D
Java Penetration : 57% (http://www.realchat.com/blog/java-vs-flash/) -
87,5% (http://www.adobe.com/products/player_census/shockwaveplayer/)

DX Studio
Windows only (directx9), InternetExplorer only
Web Player Penetration : ?

What are your findings about these technologies?
And does anybody now if any of the above technologies is bundled with a
hardware manufacturers system or bundled with other software?
Although it's an older technology, right now I would choose to publish
in Shockwave 3D.

I'd love to hear your oppinions.

Fantazm - Creating Games

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