[casual_games] Sales, Exposure and Profitability

Kerpelman, Todd TKerpelman at ea.com
Tue Jun 26 13:11:08 EDT 2007

> Meanwhile, Fairy Godmother Tycoon had 11 people on art alone (!!!).

I guess I should add a little clarification here: Those 11 people
weren't working full time on the game. We really had 2-and-a-half
artists* and an art director dedicated to the project. The rest of the
artists were people who helped out to varying degrees when they had
extra bandwidth.

But Ben's point is well-taken -- doing an entire game in 5 man months
total and having it compete in today's downloadable market would be
pretty tough, unless you've either got rock stars on your team, or have
something innovative and/or catchy enough that players are happy to
overlook the lower production values.


*One of them was really short.

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