[casual_games] Bad Word List?

Joe Pantuso jpantuso at traygames.com
Thu Mar 15 14:50:52 EDT 2007

The guys in the White House are Dick and Bush. Can't talk about them in
mixed company :-)

Profanity filtering has always been tricky. When I was with McAfee we had a
privacy/child protection product that needed to filter on 'profane' words.
That was the most comprehensive list I've ever seen, and it did get rather
absurd, as so much depends on context.

And of course any word can be made to sound like an insult, and
substitutions are so simple given the maliability of human langage.

This article is rather germane;

On 3/15/07, strictfoo-games at yahoo.com <strictfoo-games at yahoo.com> wrote:



> >> Some of the words on that list are interesting, specifically 666, com,

> gay, and Jew. And this is just the base that people add to?


> Yes, by themselves those words and phrases are fairly benign. But the

> problem is we're dealing with quasi-anonymous Internet users here, not

> people talking at a business function. I also didn't see where they said

> that people don't remove words. Also, "com" is clearly included to help

> prevent people from spamming.


> >> I also question what would happen if our vice president joined this

> chat and people started addressing him by his first name.


> What, is his name Gay 666Jew? I guess I don't see where the problem would

> be.


> Eric Brandel

> ebrandel at yahoo.com




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