[casual_games] DRM

Nicolas Cohen nicolas at qb9.net
Mon May 5 15:56:29 EDT 2008


i'm researching different DRM solutions to support try and buy and
subscription models. I am looking for a solution that allows us to
create a custom download manager (as seen in big fish's website).
Real's TryMedia doesn't provide this i've read in http://seven.pairlist.net/pipermail/casual_games/2005-September/000169.html
that most portals use TryMedia, so they must either have a special
arrengement or have changed provider since.
The alternatives i found are:

-SoftWrap http://www.softwrap.com/
-StarForce http://www.star-force.com/solutions/license_model.php
-Exent http://www.exent.com/Markets_and_Solutions/Publishers_digital_distribution.asp
-GameShield http://www.gameshield.com/

Does anyone in the list have any experience with this DRM systems and
can recommend any of them?


Nicolas Cohen
Online Business Developer

BA +(54 11) 4855 9371

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