[casual_games] IMPORTANT: Upcoming changes

Johnson, Joel JoelJ at nds.com
Thu Dec 15 02:58:21 EST 2011

In a LinkedIn group, we can change the Activity setting to 'Send me an email for each new discussion', under More --> Your Settings.

That sends me every post from that group (I've only enabled it for one group, as I can't imagine getting flooded by all my LinkedIn groups...!) :P

Let me know if it works the same way for you guys as well?

From: casual_games-bounces at igda.org [mailto:casual_games-bounces at igda.org] On Behalf Of Sheri Rubin
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 12:27 PM
To: casual_games at igda.org
Subject: Re: [casual_games] IMPORTANT: Upcoming changes

I was never able to make LinkedIn do anything more than send the group's updates either once a day or once a week all in one batch all with the generic subject line of something like "From so and so and other International Game Developers Association Group Member" and then require me to use a link to go to the LinkedIn website in order to view the discussion. Even as a group owner/moderator for some of my clients I was not able to do that. If you know how to make it send each discussion's individual comment as separate I'd love to hear that - that's big news!

I was also never really able to sort/separate them as they all seem to come from "group-digests at linkedin.com"<mailto:group-digests at linkedin.com>. Whereas right now if I want I can have casual_games at igda.org<mailto:casual_games at igda.org> go to a Casual Games SIG folder/label, qa at igda.org<mailto:qa at igda.org> to go to a QA folder/label, etc.

It's also been really hard to reply to people privately without it just showing up as a message in the person's LI inbox and you have no guarantee they've set their notifications to email them versus just say replying / copying an email address and replying to someone off list right from the email.

However, I'm the first to admit I don't know all the intricacies of LinkedIn and I'm not using it to it's full potential.

I'd prefer LI over FB for this regardless because of all the issues inherent with Facebook (hi China!) if it does come down to just those two, but I just thought I'd throw out the idea of an actual mailing list because of all the other SIGs I'm a part of who have FB, LI, and mailing list groups and the mailing lists are the only ones that really thrive. The ones who use Google or Yahoo groups also then take advantage of the completely integrated (Yahoo) or semi-integrated (Google) files/documents features among other features but each SIG is different.

(whose keeping this on the big list in case this helps others learn new LinkedIn tricks.)

On 12/15/2011 12:37 AM, Johnson, Joel wrote:
Hey Sheri,

LinkedIn allows you to redirect all the incoming posts via mail, or as digests if we prefer them. And yes, we can also choose which email address we want the messages to be sent to! :)

Is there any other feature which Google groups have that LinkedIn doesn't?


From: casual_games-bounces at igda.org<mailto:casual_games-bounces at igda.org> [mailto:casual_games-bounces at igda.org] On Behalf Of Sheri Rubin
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 2:08 AM
To: casual_games at igda.org<mailto:casual_games at igda.org>
Subject: Re: [casual_games] IMPORTANT: Upcoming changes

I'll be different - Google Group!

The Writer's SIG just moved to a Google Group (more because they were not totally happy with Pair List). It gives you the same feel (a mailing list), it ensures people can register with whatever email they want, and it makes sure that people see the discussions vs missing it flying by in FB or not getting the notifications in LI or getting them but by then the non-digest lovers in the house have missed like 10 responses.

You can also more easily see the discussions as you want because it's in e-mail and you don't have to give anyone more-direct access to your FB or LI accounts. They have to seek you out.


On 12/14/2011 12:37 PM, Sandro Camarao wrote:
How about a LinkedIn group

Sheri Rubin
Founder and CEO

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Sheri Rubin
Founder and CEO

Design Direct Deliver
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