[casual_games] HTML5/Canvas Game Engine Solutions.

Lennard Feddersen lennard at rustyaxe.com
Mon Jun 27 12:51:11 EDT 2011

Nice list Aaron, I'm pondering what comes next once Dungeon Demon is out
the door. My experiences with Flash have been uneven and I'm looking at
either returning to Javascript with Phonegap or moving on to Unity
next. Anyhow, if I go JS/Phonegap I will be returning to your list,
much appreciated.

Lennard Feddersen
Owner, Rusty Axe Games,

On 27/06/2011 9:00 AM, Aaron Murray wrote:

> Here are some links (not game-specific) that I *highly* recommend so

> that you can target the smallest moving target possible when

> developing your html5 games. These are not game-frameworks, but you'll

> need more than a game framework to properly create supporting

> websites, etc.



> *HTML5 Boilerplate* is a good start for sites in general. It has a

> bunch of layout resets to make the platforms behave similarly right

> from the start.

> It also has built in ant scripts for merging/minifying. While you'll

> probably end up rolling your own more complicated/custom way of doing

> the stuff in the boilerplate project, it is a great reference for the

> various tweaks that you *should* be doing. It's also well documented

> so that you can see *why* certain things are done the way they are

> (like how to get various iPhone/Android icons to show up).

> http://html5boilerplate.com/



> *Modernizr* provides feature detection for HTML5 / CSS3, among other

> things, so that you "know" what the device you're running on supports.

> http://www.modernizr.com/docs/#features-css



> *Augment JS* will provide modern built-in javascript methods for all

> browsers when the native support is lacking, which let's you write

> your JS using the latest language features.

> http://olivernn.github.com/augment.js/



> You should also consider having your site/game work on browsers that

> don't naively support HTML5. In order to do this easily/effectively,

> check out "shims" or "polyfills" - which basically will stub out

> support for the features if the browser doesn't. Not all shims will

> provide the appropriate level of functionality/speed, but at a minimum

> it should keep the who stack from crashing, which is a great start.

> Typically you add shims for each feature that you use. Here is a nice

> list:

> https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/wiki/HTML5-Cross-browser-Polyfills



> Lastly, any web developer should also familiarize themselves with the

> features/changes in HTML5. A good start:

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5

> http://dev.w3.org/html5/html4-differences/




> Aaron Murray

> Technical Director, Founder

> Tandem Games

> www.TandemGames.com <http://www.TandemGames.com>

> www.DomainOfHeroes.com <http://www.DomainOfHeroes.com>

> www.AliensAndRobots.com <http://www.AliensAndRobots.com>

> "Fun for All. All for Fun."



> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 10:25 AM, oscar is oscar

> <oscar.oscar.oscar at gmail.com <mailto:oscar.oscar.oscar at gmail.com>> wrote:


> I know Impact.js is pretty big now, but anyone know about making HTML5

> games... trying to line up some workstuff for agile contractors.

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