[casual_games] [IGDACasualSC] GDC Meeting at (delayed) February Conference Call Notes

Vishal Gondal vishal at indiagames.in
Mon Mar 14 01:37:45 EDT 2011

Hi I am on family vacation but will send an update on india later this week
We are also having a dedicated game developers conference

Along with FRAMES which is the biggest media and entertainment event in

Cheers from kerala!


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On Mar 14, 2011, at 3:15 AM, Dave Rohrl <universedave at gmail.com> wrote:

This email is a combined set of notes from our GDC Meeting and the following
Steering Committee conference call.

Consolidated Attendance
Present: Dave Rohrl, Michael Sorrenti, Alex Ionescu, Joel Johnson, Eli
Regrets: Vishal Gondal, Alfredo Chaves
Absent: Rex Sikora, Michael Wyman

- Great attendance at the SIG Gathering this year - roughly 25 attendees,
about 1/2 students.
- Lots of enthusiasm for the podcast.
- Proposed topics include success and failure stories, financing and
fundraising, what's happening in international markets (esp. China),
technology issues
- Significant interest in White Papers on specific topics.
- This year's target topics are India (Vishal has already started) and
Social Games (volunteer editor needed).
- Definite desire to separate topics which change relatively slowly for
annual/biennial updates (e.g. design best practices) and topics which change
quickly for quarterly updates (e.g. market sizing and trends) ideally by
linking to external resources
- Other proposed initiatives of interest:
- Updated calendar of casual game related conferences and events (Michael
Sorrenti volunteered)
- Casual game related session recommendations for conference (volunteer
- Encouraging members to post notes/thoughts/observations from
conferences/events (consider your selves encouraged; would be great to have
a volunteer to lead the nudging)

February Call
- February podcast is edited and is awaiting final approvals.
- John Romero and Brenda Brathwaite are signed up for March podcast but
recording date is not final.
- Tim Merel (Digi-Capital - gaming sector investment bank) has agreed to be
interviewed in April or May.
- Working with Jeff Green (PopCap) to line up additional guests
- No update on India White Paper. Vishal, please provide update if any.

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