[game_edu] suggestions for readings?

Kim Gregson kimatiu at gmail.com
Sun Nov 9 11:19:45 EST 2008

Hi everybody,

I"m putting together a seminar (for senior undergrad students) called "Fun
and Games" for the spring semester - I want us to study the concept of "fun"
and apply it to videogames. Here's my blog post with initial ideas -

What I'm looking for is suggestions of readings - I think we're going to
read Raph Koster's _A theory of fun for game design_ but would like some
other things to consider. Any ideas?

And we hope to involve other folks in our conversations - with online
discussions and video responses to some of our basic questions. If you would
like to be involved (or your class), let me know and I"ll be sure to send
you a formal invite after the holidays.

Thanks...Kim Gregson (Ithaca College)
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