[game_edu] suggestions for readings?

Ethan Kennerly kennerly at finegamedesign.com
Sun Nov 9 16:15:54 EST 2008


Here's a few you may be familiar with:

Pierre-Alexandre Garneau. "Fourteen Forms of Fun"

Anders Hejdenberg. "The Psychology Behind Games"

Jonathan Frome. "Eight Ways Videogames Generate Emotion"

Nicole Lazzaro. "Why We Play Games: Four Keys to More Emotion Without

D. E. Berlyne. "Curiosity and Exploration" Science, July 1966

Rowan Hooper. "Just How Exciting Is It?"

Various usability engineering presentations:
(They used to have video presentations online; I'm not seeing it today...)

Marc LeBlanc. "Tools for Creating Dramatic Game Dynamics" The Game Design
Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology

Katherine Isbister. Game Usability: Advancing the Player Experience

-- Ethan

P.S. Fun is a deep problem, with a daunting bottom:

Joseph W Kable & Paul W Glimcher. "The neural correlates of subjective
value during intertemporal choice" Nature Neuroscience, December 2007

Michael C. Dorris and Paul W. Glimcher. "Activity in Posterior Parietal
Cortex Is Correlated with the Relative Subjective Desirability of Action"
Neuron, October 2004

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