[games_access] T-shirt

Tim Chase agdev at thechases.com
Tue Jan 10 16:48:47 EST 2006

> Here's some stuff I've been busy with for the Game Accessibility 
> project: http://www.audiogames.net/aglogs/galogo.jpg and 
> http://www.audiogames.net/aglogs/gafiller003.jpg (will dig up more next 
> week). I believe it was on this list (or at least on the AGDev list) 
> several of us were thinking about such a design and came up with ideas 
> like: "pacman with a cane", "space invaders with text balloon", "gamepad 
> with accessibility icons", etc. 

I like the "weathered" look of that first one.  My drafts when I 
first started playing with ideas can be found at:


Consider 'em public domain, from my SVG editor to you :)


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