[games_access] from wheelchair perspective. Inaccessible arcades.

AudioGames.net richard at audiogames.net
Mon Jan 16 01:26:42 EST 2006


"A disability wheelchair signed on a silhouette arcade machine is funny to me because the arcade machine really is a great symbol for a game system totally not accessible.  First of all consider the height of a wheelchair the eye level would be right at the controls and you couldn't see down to see the screen.  "

That was the point of my original design :) To show the contrast between a stand-up coin up and the sit-down wheelchair.

" I really do like the other idea I had with the mountain and a gold medal wheelchair at the top of it.  It represents the trophy the challenge, the fun to get the reward and the reward.  What do you guys think?  "

What I like about it is that it is a more positive approach to this subject. But I think that it has too little "game" in it (unless we use the Sierra-mountain of course ;). My personal preference goes to a design that combines [DISABILITY] (graphically expressed as "wheelchair", "cane", whatever) with [GAMES] (graphically expressed as "pacman", "game controller", "game console", whatever). In your idea, there is definitely the [DISABILITY] part, but the context provided by the mountain/golden light is (but this is only my opinion) a bit too vague and not a clear reference towards gaming. But not to drop the idea entirely, what detail could be added to your idea to make it a clearer reference towards "accessibility for all gamers".



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert Florio 
  To: games_access at igda.org 
  Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 12:11 AM
  Subject: [games_access] from wheelchair perspective. Inaccessible arcades.

  I just wanted to point out from my perspective this design kind of cancels itself out because every single arcade is completely not handicapped accessible for those in wheelchairs.  A disability wheelchair signed on a silhouette arcade machine is funny to me because the arcade machine really is a great symbol for a game system totally not accessible.  First of all consider the height of a wheelchair the eye level would be right at the controls and you couldn't see down to see the screen.  I really do like the other idea I had with the mountain and a gold medal wheelchair at the top of it.  It represents the trophy the challenge, the fun to get the reward and the reward.  What do you guys think?  Maybe if I get time I'll do a sketch making it look as clean as I can.  Anyone else can draw it up also.  Thanks.  Here's the link I just copied it so you could reference it from the previous discussion message.

  www.RobertFlorio.com all of out hard and game accessibility


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