[games_access] UA-Games new release: Game Over!

hinn at uiuc.edu hinn at uiuc.edu
Tue Apr 17 11:57:27 EDT 2007

Hi Dimitris! That's great -- I'll be downloading it later today. 

Folks, if you haven't had a chance to play this yet -- now's the time! It's a GREAT resource for demonstrating what we're saying when we say "your game is not accessible for gamers with disability x, y, and z."

Congrats on finalizing the game!


---- Original message ----
>Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 18:45:44 +0300
>From: "Dimitris Grammenos" <gramenos at ics.forth.gr>  
>Subject: [games_access] UA-Games new release: Game Over!  
>To: "'IGDA Games Accessibility SIG Mailing List'" <games_access at igda.org>
>   Hello!
>   We have just released "Game Over!", the world's
>   first universally inaccessible game!
>   Game Over! aims to provide game developers with a
>   first-hand (frustrating) experience of how it feels
>   interacting with a game that is not accessible due
>   to the fact that important accessibility design
>   rules were not considered or applied.
>   The game was developed in the context of the
>   Universally Accessible Games research activity of
>   ICS-FORTH (ua-games.gr).
>   You can find more information about the game at:
>   http://ua-games.gr/game-over
>   The MS-Windows, Linux and Mac OS X versions of the
>   game can be downloaded freely from:
>   http://ua-games.gr/game-over/downloads.html
>   If you try the game, please take the on-line survey
>   and share with us your opinion and thoughts about it
>   - it will not take more than 5 minutes.
>   You will find the survey at:
>   http://ua-games.gr/game-over/feedback.html
>   Best regards,
>   Dimitris Grammenos
>   e-mail:game-over at ua-games.gr
>   Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory & Centre for
>   Universal Access and Assistive Technologies
>   Institute of Computer Science (ICS)
>   Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
>   (FORTH)
>games_access mailing list
>games_access at igda.org
these are mediocre times and people are 
losing hope. it's hard for many people 
to believe that there are extraordinary 
things inside themselves, as well as 
others. i hope you can keep an open 
 -- "unbreakable"

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