[games_access] Getting Federal government. On our side.

Robert Florio arthit73 at cablespeed.com
Sun Dec 2 14:41:36 EST 2007

I'm actually proposing how many of us want to and can help to send letters
to important people like senators, independent game developers, to get
petitions signed, and send it to some senators to get some kind of
nationwide talk on this and finally a regulated necessity standard?

I think it's a very good and noble thing to do.  Thinking of it in a way
that it's an industry that has ignored and does not have any future plans
for any big deals for accessibility for people.  Especially in the United
States is our Constitution write to have fair access to all forms of
entertainment.  To not allow people access to their product is

Again this is something I have proposed before nobody said they wanted to
work on it and I don't know why it seems like a great thing to do.  Stand up
for our rights that's what the government is there to help us to especially
in a billion-dollar industry making millions and millions but ignoring the
rest seems wrong.


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