[games_access] Announcement

AudioGames.net richard at audiogames.net
Wed Jul 11 03:08:07 EDT 2007

Hi folks,

I have an announcement. As you may know I temporarily quit work at the Accessibility foundation to finish my PhD by working at the Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU - my other job for the past 3 or 4 years). Here I have been offered a research job, which I decided to accept. This means that I have now officially quit my job at the Accessibility foundation. This doesn't mean that I'm going game audio all the way, however, since game accessibility remains one of my big interest areas. Although for the next couple of months my main focus is on game audio design, after I finish my thesis I have the chance to setup projects related to audio and game accessibility, but now at the HKU and still in collaboration with Accessibility. I might even have more room for setting up projects where I work now then before.

One thing to think about, as I already discussed with Michelle, is www.game-accessibility.com. Accessibility wants to change how the website is run, partially because the foundation has too little manpower, partially because we want to make the website available for more people. The foundation proposes to set up a Projectgroup Game-Accessibility.com in which the website is made available to the GA-SIG to basically do to it what needs to be done, and make it (to an extend) GA-SIG Resource Website*. This is just a first plan, if someone has their own ideas, please speak up. 



* As I've understood we're in a tricky spot at the moment with all them websites. I personally would like to simply have a website http://www.gasig.org and put all SIG related stuff on it (which includes IGDA SIG and DIGRA SIG stuff). This could BE the IGDA website as far as I'm concerned, just with an extra URL. And then use GA.com for resources (papers, articles) and community (forum, mailinglist) only. 
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