[games_access] SpecialEffect at EuroGamer

Barrie Ellis oneswitch at gmail.com
Thu Sep 27 16:58:57 EDT 2012

Great stuff happening at the EuroGamer Expo in the UK event right now with SpecialEffect and at least two games on the indie-stand (DRM and Proteus) with some nice accessibility features, and some main-stream titles too.

For those who can't make it this year (myself included) this is what their stand looks like...

1. To the left: http://twitpic.com/aykeiq and https://twitter.com/haloathon/status/251317928107065344/photo/1 and http://twitpic.com/ayts61 - (This is Portal being played with a range of mounted switches, foot controls and a chin operated thumb-stick - hooked up (I think) via an Adroit Switchblade interface. I recon some gamers would have been blown away to see Isaac finish Portal (so I'm led to understand) using his feet. Actually, following the Paralympics, maybe not blown away at all. Just more accepting that we can all play, and some play in a different style.

2. In the middle is this video: http://specialeffect.org.uk/pages/about.htm (or direct http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKLNrCivOzw).

3. To the right is eye gaze controlled Dirt 3, with thanks to the utility Alt-Controller written by Tim Brogden for SE: http://instagram.com/p/QFGnuksoTX/

On top of this, they're also going to be the beneficiaries of a Video game art exhibition/auction at London City Hall (bonkers Boris Johnson's work-base, the London Mayor).

Can't wait for the day when there's a game expo where the majority of the games have put in some significant efforts to boost the overall accessibility. That day is coming.


Video game art exhibition
When: 22-26 October, 08:00-17:30 every day
Where: City Hall
What: Boris Johnson's pad is set to host a major exhibition of video game art. Running between 22 and 26 October, the free event will feature rare pieces donated by a huge range of publishers and developers: concept art, storyboards and digital images will all feature. The works will be auctioned off at the close of the exhibition, with the proceeds going to SpecialEffect, a charity specialising in making games accessible to people with disabilities. Among the items on show will be game art produced by well-known developers such as Guerrilla Games (Killzone) and Media Molecule (LittleBigPlanet) as well as major publishers like Konami and Warner Bros.

MCM Expo
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