[Techtoolslist] Fluke 9010 mass signature build...

John Robertson jrr at flippers.com
Wed Mar 10 12:26:02 EST 2021

I have a lot of EPROMs that I can archived over the decades and was 
chatting with some folks oN FB about the 9010 signature and spotted a 
Github signature process.


My question is, I'd be happy to run a mass batch of my EPROM library if 
someone can write the apple (I'm on a MAC) script (or whatever) that would:

1) start at the first directory alphabetically/numerically & file,

2) process the EPROM(s)

3) generate an output table- CSV perhaps - that had the signature, EPROM 
name, directory location, and perhaps the creation date for a .csv file

4) move on to the next directory rinse and repeat.

I have thousands of EPROMs in hundreds of directories that this could be 
done for and would be happy to then tidy up the result and post on the 
TTL FTP site.

I just don't have the time build the script. Nor fresh experience for 
that matter.

Anyone interested in helping?


John :-#)#

                  John's Jukes Ltd.
7 - 3979 Marine Way, Burnaby, BC, Canada V5J 5E3
Call (604)872-5757 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
  "Old pinballers never die, they just flip out"

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