[casual_games] Selling on your own site?

Rob C rcarroll23 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 15 12:39:42 EST 2006

Hey Ron,

Another good site is regnow.com

They seem to have a good deal going currently, If you find a review site 
please let us know.

Rob Carroll
TableStar Games

>In terms of e-commence and ordering systems, what are the options for a 
>small developer to sell games on their own site?
>Setting up my own system and taking credit cards is just not feasible with 
>the low volume.  I've noticed some developers are using third-party sites 
>like Plimus to collect the money, etc.  What other places like this are 
>there?  Is there a resource that has reviews/comparisons of the top 

>Thanks, Ron

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