[casual_games] Casual Games List FAQ

Kim Pallister kimpall at microsoft.com
Tue Nov 21 13:51:22 EST 2006

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 20:26:57 -0500
From: "Brian Robbins" <brian-l at dubane.com>
Subject: [casual_games] Casual Games List FAQ
To: "IGDA Casual Games SIG Mailing List" <casual_games at igda.org>
<7097421f0611201726u1f050e3ej8a462585aebcdba at mail.gmail.com>
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However what you'll note when you go there is that right now it
doesn't actually have much content. I'd like to ask for all of your
help to change that.

What questions should we include on this list? What are the answers?
Essentially, how can we make this as useful of a resource as possible?

HI Brian,

First off, thanks for taking the initiative to kick off the faq. I agree, good idea.

I'll probably get in there over the long weekend and take a stab at a few parts. In the meantime though, here's a couple ideas on questions to put in the Q-list part of the FAQ:

- On distribution: You may want to have a question on distributors (e.g. you have 'work with publishers', but there's a difference between working with a pub vs a disty).

- On the 'where to get started' bit, you may want to decide up front whether you want this to evolve (devolve?) into a list of contact names/emails/websites, or you could point back to where this might already exist in the SIG whitepaper.

My 2c,

Kim Pallister

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