[casual_games] Casual game graphics API usage

Chris Dillman chrisd at plaidworld.com
Wed Nov 22 17:52:37 EST 2006

>Does anyone have information/research on the usage breakdown for

>DirectX vs. OpenGL vs.GDI specifically for Casual games? I am

>particularly interested in not just this absolute breakdown, but

>also how this skews towards the popularity of a title. For instance

>of the top 50 casual games in 2006, how many were coded using each

>graphics API.

I see a lot of games done in GL on the indie forums.
But hat being said...

I have read that most of the major portals will only take games using D3D
and no GL.

You might want to look into that.

My own engine is cross platform and will simply use D3D or GL based
on what the user has. It easy to abstract that iout and just not
worry about it.


Email: chrisd at plaidworld.com
iChat / AIM: crackbunny at mac.com

Plaid World Studios http://www.plaidworld.com

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