[casual_games] casual MMOG: help needed with business assumptions

Cole, Vladimir yocole at wharton.upenn.edu
Tue Apr 17 12:21:56 EDT 2007

Thanks for the feedback, John.

> Assume a 1MB install foot print for the phone in order to be


> picked up on sufficient mass market phones in order to get it out to

> enough users to be relevant to the casual audience.

Assuming two 18- to 24-month development timeframe, what do you think
the internal memory size of a high-end (EVDO/HSDPA/WIFI/WIMAX) phone
will be in 2009? Striving for a 1MB footprint seems aggressive given the
product's focus on high-end handsets and the growth of flash memory in
new phones.


> Also, you should chop your development budget to $1.5M. Support costs


> about right.

The dev budget is dev + testing (on multiple handsets). I suppose I
should make an assumption on handsets supported. Let's say 100 handsets
from a single wireless provider over the course of 10 years, with 20
handsets supported at launch? (The single-provider assumption is

- V

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