[casual_games] Macromedia Director...

Tue Feb 13 10:41:27 EST 2007

LOL... I should have asked that.. because now I'm curious.. it'd be nice
to have a casual games
development package like Director, and use the more powerful tools for
more robust (yeah.. I had the stones to say robust..lol) development efforts

Samuel Nova wrote:

> And if I may ask, where do you read that ? :)



>> -----Original Message-----

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>> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 3:06 PM

>> To: casual_games at igda.org

>> Subject: Re: [casual_games] Macromedia Director...



>> Word is that they are supposed to be releasing a new version

>> of Director in

>> the 1st half of 2007. From what I've read it seems like they

>> are planning on

>> targeting game developers. Perhaps that will breath new life into it.



>>> From: "E. D. Bass" <edb at CONCRETEALCHEMY.COM>

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>>> Early on in my interactive media career, I loved Director.


>> It had the


>>> level

>>> of strength that, someone like me

>>> Who didn't have the time to devote to learning C/C++,


>> needed. It did great


>>> things, and the community around

>>> it was robust and very knowledgeable.


>>> Now that Flash has basically taken over it's space for


>> interactive web


>>> content, it seems a bit long in the tooth.

>>> I wonder if it won't be phased out altogether or, if by some


>> stroke of


>>> mercy or madness, Adobe finds a way to

>>> combine both Flash and Director in to one package... I


>> wonder if director


>>> will just fade in to a very illustrious history.


>>> Margaret Wallace wrote:


>>>> Director seems to work ok for certain kinds of games (e.g., certain

>>>> puzzle

>>>> games) but not for games where you need lots of action or


>> performance or


>>>> super-fancy particle effects. I'd imagine there are also


>> probably a bunch


>>>> of compatability issues with Vista that have popped up with


>> Director-based


>>>> games. Using Director makes it infinitely easier to


>> create a web version


>>>> of your game -- but for anything else (such as porting to


>> XBLA), you'll


>>>> have to re-code from scratch.

>>>> Even though I come from a Director background, I will


>> probably not use


>>>> it for future games. If a newer version of Director comes


>> out that fixes


>>>> certain problems and is updated to current standards of


>> expected game


>>>> performace, I'll consider using Director again but not for


>> the short-term.


>>>> On 2/11/07, *T. R.* <vo_list at hotmail.com

>>>> <mailto:vo_list at hotmail.com>>

>>>> wrote:


>>>> Thanks, all, for your advice.


>>>> Rob, I've used, I think, 5 or 6 at the latest, so that


>> was a long


>>>> time ago.

>>>> How has the product advanced, since then, specifically


>> in terms of


>>>> game

>>>> development?


>>>> Cheers,


>>>> Tim


>>>> >IMHO, Director is extremely well suited for casual game

>>>> development - and

>>>> >yes, you do get the added benefits of Desktop/Web/Mac/Win

>>>> versions with

>>>> >relatively little extra dev time. We do just about all of our

>>>> titles in

>>>> >Director. What was the last version you worked with?

>>>> >

>>>> >r o b

>>>> >

>>>> >

>>>> >| Robert Gordon

>>>> >| The Article 19 Group Inc.

>>>> >| phone: 514.938.8512

>>>> >| email: rob at article19.com <mailto:rob at article19.com>

>>>> >| http://www.article19.com

>>>> >




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