[casual_games] Res: Use of keyboard on casual games

oscar oscar oscar.oscar.oscar at gmail.com
Thu May 31 11:41:25 EDT 2007

^_^ God, I LIKE you guys. You're engaged in an INTERESTING and RELEVANT

Here's my take on things.

The Casual Games Market has emerged... I'm guessing, over the last 7-10
years... with the proliferation of the internet connectivity, and with the
migration of computers into the common areas of people's homes. We always
had Solitaire and MineSweeper... but this market is still emerging.

The people who play these games are not "traditionally" the HARDCORE gamer,
and are not the Console set.

As such, their experience with interactive entertainment has mostly been
relegated to the mouse... Be it Windows or MacOS, most of the people who
interact with their computers barely touch the keyboard.

If they have to write an email, or chat via IM... then the Keyboard comes
into play...

But most of their physical interfacing takes place with a mouse and the left
mouse key.


I do not believe that DESIGN permitting, using a keyboard or a joypad will
alienate a player or destroy their user experience.

Nor do I believe that incorporating multiple interface solutions. Keyboard,
Mouse, Joypad, will complicate things to the point where the end user will
abandon a product.

Does not the hardcore gamer have the RIGHT to play a Casual Game. Does not
an experienced computer user have the right to define and refine his
interface choice?

Do we not have an obligation to make a game as accessible as possible, by
providing as many avenues to entry as possible?

I've been thinking for about a year now about a physics-based "particle
containment" game... Its a bit much to blather on about right here and
now... but I can see the keyboard interface being more intuitive than a
mouse driven interface. But that's just ONE example (and a poorly worded one
at that).

I say, design permitting, do not discredit the Keyboard, and do not shun the

u u d d l r l r b a start
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