[casual_games] _ BangOutGames

Brian Robbins brian-l at dubane.com
Fri Oct 5 09:04:57 EDT 2007

> The kongregate offer seems better, and much more visionary. Also, just by

> the fact that they seem to be steering away from Bejewelled and Diner Dash

> clones... However, the 1 year exclusivity that Kongregate requires also

> seems like a lot, unless the money they offer can fund the entire production

> or they have a really good sales channel.

The concept of a sales channel for Kongregate doesn't exist in the way
you're thinking of it. Kongregate doesn't do downloadable games, they
focus entirely on web-based (Flash and Shockwave) content for their
site. A Premium game developed for them, would presumably be exclusive
to their site, and I doubt they would even be interested in having a
downloadable version of it created.

They have a very different model than most other casual game
companies, and they are figuring out how to attract, and monetize a
different type of audience.

I definitely think they are worth talking to, but I just wanted to
make sure everyone understood that their offering is fairly different
than other casual game companies.

Brian Robbins
Executive Producer and Gaming Evangelist
Fuel Industries - www.fuelgames.com

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