[casual_games] Call for Topics: Casual Games Summit at GDC 2009

Dave Rohrl universedave at gmail.com
Tue Sep 9 08:49:02 EDT 2008


Once again, Steve Meretzky, Kenny Shea Dinkin, and I are organizing the
Casual Games Summit, a two-day tutorial on casual games at the 2009 Game
Developers Conference in San Francisco. As always, we will be doing our
best to provide a great range of topics that cover the present state of
casual games and look into the future at the trends coming at us.

We want to cover all of the most important topics in the casual games
industry - especially in areas that are new and exciting, and we need your
help to make sure we get it right. If you have ideas for lectures or panels
you would like to see at the 2009 Casual Games Summit, please send them to
us - the organizers - for consideration by THURSDAY September 18. Let us
know what you want to hear about, and whether you think a lecture, panel, or
debate would be the most effective way to cover it. If you have ideas for
speakers feel free to send them along but please be aware that we won't even
be thinking about the speaker list for at least 1-2 months.

Please email all suggestions to:
Steve Meretezy (sem at bluefang.com) - Sr. Game Designer, Blue Fang Games
Kenny Shea Dinkin (kenny at playfirst.com) - VP/Creative Director, PlayFirst
Dave Rohrl (dave at casualpro.com) - Exec Producer of Casual Games, Zynga
and Jennifer Steele (jsteele at think-services.com) - conference Liaison

Thanks in advance for your contributions. Last year's suggestions helped us
put together a great program and we want this year's summit to be even

Sincerely yours,
Dave Rohrl
IGDA Casual Game SIG Chair
Casual Game Summit Co-Organizer (2004-2009)
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