[casual_games] Corvus Elrod's Petition to Call a Member Vote

Brian Robbins brian-l at dubane.com
Sat Jul 18 01:55:35 EDT 2009

One of the more vocal members of the IGDA community, Corvus Elrod, has
started a petition to call a member vote of the IGDA. You can read more
about his petition here:

with further insightful commentary from Darius Kazemi:

I don't believe that this list is the best place to get into more discussion
and debate over the underlying issues, as those have already been hashed out
quite well in other places (
That said, I do think that it's important for all IGDA members to be aware
of a significant membership call to action, whether you support it or not.

One of the biggest issues with the IGDA over the years has been member
apathy and at the very least, I think everyone should know what the issues
are within the IGDA and the industry abroad. So take a few minutes and dive

Brian Robbins
Studio Head, Fuel Games Denver - www.fuelgames.com
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