Justice was: [games_access] With Gaming and Accessibility for all...

Tim Chase agdev at thechases.com
Sun Feb 5 12:42:57 EST 2006

> I love the juxtaposition of justice, disability, gaming and  
> particularly the limp controller....

I was trying to figure something good to put in her other 
hand.  Typically, she has a sword.  This has some RPG 
connotations which wasn't too bad.  I also thought about her 
having an open palm with dice in it, or holding a hand of 
cards, or something of the like.

> could the controller lead be held in her teeth like a dog?

There's this great image at the beginning of a Tetris game I 
downloaded a while back for my wife, of a maniacal guy 
tearing a keyboard apart with his teeth that I would love to 
have carried into the image, but my art skills weren't up to 
the challenge.

> thanks and congratulations again

Thanks for your kind words and glad I could give you a chuckle.


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