[games_access] from Spain

Sandra Uhling sandra_uhling at web.de
Mon Jun 8 12:32:42 EDT 2009

Hello Javier,

welcome on list :-)

> Another think that I want to talk is about accessible videogames standards.

We do have:
* an IGSA GA-SIG top ten list (link?)
* an IGDA GA-SIG whitepaper
* lots of know how 
* GamerOver! rules http://ua-games.gr/game-over/game_levels.html
  (the Game GameOver is to "frustrate" game developers and Terretrial Invaders is to show a very good example)

* I have a mindmap with lots of ideas and rules

* Reid wanted to write a document about [CC] (closed-captioning) ?
 (I am also waiting for this nice document :-) ) 

Best regards,
Sandra Uhling

(My interestes are Games for Health with focus on Exergaming and Game Accessbility)

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