[Techtoolslist] How to enable EDITOR on 9100s?

John Robertson jrr at flippers.com
Thu Aug 23 18:52:49 EDT 2018

I am obviously overlooking something obvious, but how does one enable 
the EDITOR on a 9100 that is running 6.1 and has the video card 
installed? I tried using the service 6.0, but EDITOR does not appear to 
be an option.

What is particularly annoying is I had editor on a 9100 which did not 
have the video card and when I pressed EDIT it would lock up. I then did 
some software tweak that removed EDITOR as an option, but I can't find 
that option again!

I feel like an idiot, but I'm hoping someone will take pity no me and 
say the magic words (RTFM I suspect!) to fix this idiotic problem.


John :-#(#

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