[Techtoolslist] Fluke 9100A - Cannot boot from system disks

Tony Jones tony at tonyjones.com
Tue Mar 17 20:34:32 EDT 2020

On Tue, Mar 17, 2020, 4:53 PM Marc Desfossés <mdesfoss at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I was able to skip it and this time I was able to boot the system from the
> disk. Could it be the floppy controller logic that is problematic ?

Can you format the scsi2sd card (from recovery) and then once you reach the
above step after booting from Gotek can you copy the files from the system
and master "floppies" onto the sdcard?    Then when booting from sdcard do
you get the same error?

I sold three As earlier this year, and reinitialized their HDDs using a
Gotek and I don't recall seeing the same.    If you want to post the Fluke
rom firmware version you have, gotek firmware variant/version and md5sum of
each hfe image and I'll see if I can reproduce but It may take me a while
as all my remaining As have dead screens and I'll have to take a screen off
an FT.


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